Aucoin Family Photos

Théophile and Lucie Aucoin

The author's mom and dad, Théophile and Lucie Aucoin on their wedding day September 4, 1932. 

They married in Waltham, MA and lived there for several years before moving to Manchester, NH. 

Lucie's maiden name was also Aucoin. They were distant cousins who shared the same great, great, great grandfather, Pierre Aucoin, who spent seven years in a British prison, starting in 1756.

Tomme and Luce Aucoin, the author's grandparents

July 24, 1937, Chéticamp

Lucie (Poirier) Aucoin

Lucie (Poirier) Aucoin (1891 - 1957), the author's grandmother. The baby in her arms is Catherine, her first child, born in 1911 and about 1 year old. We can therefore estimate that the photo was taken in 1912, over 110 years ago.

Lucie's nickname was Luce.

Catherine (Katie) Doucet (neé Aucoin) on her 100th birthday

  • Born Nov. 1, 1911
  • Died Sept. 17, 2014, age 102

Sohpie Lauzé (née Aucoin), November 2011

  • Born July 10, 1914
  • Died July 13, 2015, age 101

Photo taken in April 1989 of author's mother, Lucie, third from the right, and her five sisters: Cécile, Katie, Marie, Sophie, and Justile.

  • Thomas 1884 - 1941 died as a result of a plaster mine accident. Fell and hit his head. Died one year later at the age of 57. 
  • Luce 1891 - 1957 died of lung trouble at the age of 65. 
    • Catherine (Katie) 1911 - 2014 died in Montreal at the age of 102, 13 days shy of her 103rd birthday. At 102, she was in very good health until she fell and broke her collar bone. Recovery was slow and seemed to discourage her. She seemed to have lost the will to live and passed away.
    • Lucie 1913 - 2003 died in Waltham, MA of pneumonia at the age of 90. 
    • Joseph 1916 - 1993 died in Chéticamp of stomach trouble at the age of 77. 
    • Sophie (Sophic) 1914 - 2015 died in Montreal of lung trouble at the age of 101.
    • Marie-Mai 1917 - 2009 died in Montreal at the age of 92. She climbed up on a chair to do some dusting, fell and broke something in her back. She was rushed to the hospital and died on the operating table.
    • Justile 1921 - 1997 died in Montreal from a massive heart attack at the age of 76.
    • Cécile 1919 - 2015 died in Montreal at the age of 95. She fell, broke her wrist, was hospitalized and died shortly thereafter.
    • Albert 1925 - 1975 died in Montreal of lung cancer at the age of 49. He was a heavy smoker.

Cécile, Katie, Roger Desjardins, Marie and Sophie

1988, Montreal

Roger and Marie Béland with their two children, Nicole and Raymond


Nicole Béland, Marie's daughter, with her aunt Lucie

Katie Doucet with 6-month old daughter Ethel

1940, Friars Head, Nova Scotia

Lucie and her 2nd husband, Théophile Chiasson


Thomas (Tomme) Aucoin

  • Born January 14, 1884
  • Died 1941, age 57

  • Cécile Majeau (neé Aucoin) November 2011

    • Born Sept. 24, 1919
    • Died June 13, 2015, age 95

    Théophile Aucoin with his older brother Willie and Willie's wife Josephine in Waltham, MA circa 1950.

    Willie fought as a Canadian soldier during WW1 and was wounded during the Battle of the Somme. Josephine's maiden name was also Aucoin. She and Willie were distant cousins. They shared the same great, great grandfather, Grannoume Aucoin, son of Pierre Aucoin.