One Acadian Family and les Maudits Anglais (the Damn English): A Historical Novel

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A historical novel that covers 400 years of Acadian history

This story traces the Acadians from their source in 17th century France through multiple generations on the American continent. Harassed constantly by their arch enemy, the English, the Acadians suffer through burned homes, ethnic cleansing, family destruction, scalpings, and other atrocities. The local Micmac Indians befriended the Acadians and offer support - fighting fiercely against the English. Acadian freedom fighters, such as Beausoleil, rise to the occasion and strike back at the English, but neither the Micmac warriors nor the freedom fighters can alter the tragic fate of the Acadians.

Surviving Acadians give rise to the Cajuns of Louisiana. Others settle in New England, Québec and the maritime provinces of Canada. Wherever they find themselves, there is one constant - the English are not their friends.

Explore The Acadians book with these extras


Visualize the journeys and settlements of the Acadian people by viewing maps of each area


Photos of the Acadian family highlighted in this historical novel. Based on a true story.


Explore the Aucoin genealogy as highlighted in the historical novel, The Acadians, beginning with Martin Aucoin circa late 1500's through modern day


Read the Prologue from The Acadians book.

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